Helen Fenton
Helen graduated with distinction from the Fine Arts Program, St. Lawrence College, Brockville.
Her choice of medium is acrylic, and mixed media, and her subject matter ranges from landscapes to mindscapes. She is a colourist and shape maker and the act of painting excites her. She has studied ceramice in the past and continues to pursue her art studies.
Helen is a member of the South Grenville Guild of Fine Art. She is a past President and served for several years on the executive. She is also a member of the Brave Art group. She exhibits regularly in group shows and has shown in the Cornwall Regional Art Gallery and ‘The Gallery at the Playhouse’, Gananoque, and Marianne Van Silfhout Gallery juried shows.
Helen enjoys the creative process and hopes the viewing public enjoys the end product.
Her choice of medium is acrylic, and mixed media, and her subject matter ranges from landscapes to mindscapes. She is a colourist and shape maker and the act of painting excites her. She has studied ceramice in the past and continues to pursue her art studies.
Helen is a member of the South Grenville Guild of Fine Art. She is a past President and served for several years on the executive. She is also a member of the Brave Art group. She exhibits regularly in group shows and has shown in the Cornwall Regional Art Gallery and ‘The Gallery at the Playhouse’, Gananoque, and Marianne Van Silfhout Gallery juried shows.
Helen enjoys the creative process and hopes the viewing public enjoys the end product.